Have you heard about Nine Eagles? It is a helicopter manufacture that established for a long time. The main selling point of their products is the transmitter can change between mode 1 and mode 2 easily, it is much more convenient for those who what to try on both modes and share the helicopter with friends that use the different mode. Also the helicopters are very durable in a crash. Let see what the product they have. You can click the photo to see the more detail information about that helicopter.
Coaxial Group:
Coaxial means it have double layer blades, those layers rotate in the different direction, therefore the counter action can be balanced. The turning effect can be achieved by the different rotating speed of layers.
Nine Eagles 210A:
This is a 4 channel micro coaxial helicopter with only 21.3cm, weighted 27g.
They have many colors for choose, the Spirit version:
And the Draco group with the canopy covers the whole body:
Later on Nine Eagles launch the 210A Combat Twister that allows two helicopters fight with each others:
Nine Eagles 312A:
This is a 4 channel micro coaxial helicopter that newer helicopter with the same weight and length with 210A. In addition, the canopy is scaled that looks much more like the real helicopter.
Four Channel Single Layer Blade Group:
Single layer blade helicopter use the tail rotor to balance the counter rotation, this group have a width ranger of size from 20.7cm to 49.8cm
Nine Eagles 260A:
This ultra micro helicopter length and weight are 20.7cm and 27g, a slightly small than 210A, can easily fly at home, durable to crash:
Nine Eagles 270A:
This ultra micro helicopter length and weight are 20.7cm and 30g, very similar to 260A, also can easily fly at home, durable to crash, the different is 270A use the J4 transmitter:
Nine Eagles 320A:
This micro helicopter length and weight are 22.9cm and 33g, a slightly bigger than 210A, the outlook looks like the real helicopter:
Nine Eagles 328A:
This helicopter length and weight are 32.8cm and 108g:
Nine Eagles 220A:
This meddle size helicopter length and weight are 44.1cm and 168.4g, and nearly double size of 320A, the bigger size allow it more resist to wind, can fly much more smooth and stable:
Nine Eagles 228P:
This meddle size helicopter length and weight are 49.8cm and 250g, and a little bit bigger than 220A, the flame pipe is thicker than others Nine Eagles helicopter also the balance bar is below the main blade. It uses a J4 transmitter that also very easy to change between mode 1 and mode 2.
Later on we will have the Nine Eagle 6CH helicopter showroom and same technique on the Nine Eagle helicopter